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Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

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Ronald Lee Hartung


Ronald L. Hartung is a professor of computer science in Ohio, USA. He works as a senior researcher at The Design Knowledge Company, Dayton, Ohio, USA. Ronald has 40 years of experience in developing AI systems for Bell Labs and others and has extensive experience as a teacher and researcher in the field of AI.

Ronald L. Hartung is a professor of computer science in Ohio, USA. He works as a senior researcher at The Design Knowledge Company, Dayton, Ohio, USA. Ronald has 40 years of experience in developing AI systems for Bell Labs and others and has extensive experience as a teacher and researcher in the field of AI.