Nadja Sörgärde
Nadja Sörgärde är lektor vid Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds universitet. Hon är en flitigt anlitad föreläsare inom organisationsförändring och ledarskap. Hennes forskningsfokus är förändringsprocesser inom såväl den privata som tredje sektorn.Nadja Sörgärde is Associate Professor in Organization at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden. She obtained her doctorate at Lund University in 2006. Her main research interest is change processes in organizations, with a particular focus on cultural and identity issues. She has published book chapters on change management and is currently involved in research on change in a non-profit organization.
Nadja Sörgärde är lektor vid Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds universitet. Hon är en flitigt anlitad föreläsare inom organisationsförändring och ledarskap. Hennes forskningsfokus är förändringsprocesser inom såväl den privata som tredje sektorn.Nadja Sörgärde is Associate Professor in Organization at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden. She obtained her doctorate at Lund University in 2006. Her main research interest is change processes in organizations, with a particular focus on cultural and identity issues. She has published book chapters on change management and is currently involved in research on change in a non-profit organization.