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Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

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Karin M. Ekström



Karin M. Ekström är professor i företagsekonomi vid Högskolan i Borås där hon leder forskargruppen Sustainable Consumption Research Group.Karin M. Ekström, Ph.D., is professor in Marketing at the School of Business and Informatics, University of Borås, Sweden. She is initiator and former director of the Centre for Consumer Science (CFK), an interdisciplinary consumer research centre. Her research concerns family consumption, consumer socialization, collecting, design and the meaning(s) of consumption. She has edited several books, Children, media and consumption, on the front edge (2007), Little monster, (de) coupling assemblages of consumption (2007), Elusive consumption (2004), Beyond the consumption bubble (forthcoming) and published in journals such as Academy of Marketing Science Review, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Management and Research in Consumer Behavior. She is Chair of the Scientifi c Council at the Swedish Consumer Agency.

Karin M. Ekström är professor i företagsekonomi vid Högskolan i Borås där hon leder forskargruppen Sustainable Consumption Research Group.Karin M. Ekström, Ph.D., is professor in Marketing at the School of Business and Informatics, University of Borås, Sweden. She is initiator and former director of the Centre for Consumer Science (CFK), an interdisciplinary consumer research centre. Her research concerns family consumption, consumer socialization, collecting, design and the meaning(s) of consumption. She has edited several books, Children, media and consumption, on the front edge (2007), Little monster, (de) coupling assemblages of consumption (2007), Elusive consumption (2004), Beyond the consumption bubble (forthcoming) and published in journals such as Academy of Marketing Science Review, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Management and Research in Consumer Behavior. She is Chair of the Scientifi c Council at the Swedish Consumer Agency.