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Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

Handlar som: Privatkund

Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

Priserna visas exklusive moms, du kan betala med Klarna eller faktura

Tre snabba frågor med Melissa Nilsson

Melissa Nilsson är en engagerad lärare med lång erfarenhet av engelskundervisning i Sverige och USA. Hon är en passionerad förespråkare för elevernas framgång i en alltmer globaliserad värld där kunskaper i engelska är en ingång till många möjligheter. 

What do you think that teachers and students will appreciate the most about your book?

What I hope teachers and students will enjoy most about this book is the element of cooperation and collaboration. Language is tough to learn in a vacuum - we learn from listening to others, and practicing with them. This book was designed with this in mind, so there are tons of opportunities for students to speak together, read together, and more! 

What makes your book unique?

As an English teacher, I was always looking for more "realia" - I want my students to know the English language of course, but I also want them to understand what life is like in different English speaking cultures (not to mention, this is an important part of the core content in the English curriculum!). I was lucky to be able to write about my own homeland in this book and point out cultural details about everyday life in the United States, and compare them to words used in different English speaking cultures. 

What skills have you focused on?

For this activity book, I've really focused on the speaking skill. This can be lost in other textbooks or workbooks where students work individually, so the elements of cooperation and speaking together have been built directly into the activity book. Beyond that, students have the opportunity in the book to stretch their creative skills through drawing, acting, and, later in the book, writing their own creative stories.