Connect 2 Elevpaket - Digitalt + Tryckt
Vuxna och unga vuxna

Connect 2 - Digital elevlicens 12 mån
Vuxna och unga vuxna

Connect 2 - Digital elevlicens 12 mån 30 elever
Vuxna och unga vuxna
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- text vocabulary grammar listening – workbook
- 17Saying Hello
- 8Hello, I’m Patrick
- 10The Verb ‘to be’ Chant
- 12The English Lesson
- 13Application Form ...
- 14Melbourne – the Sporting ...
- 10‘Action’ Verbs
- 11Am, is, are (present tense 'to be')
- 215People and Places
- 16Meet Four People
- 22From Guatemala to Gotemburgo
- 24The Gothia Cup
- 25Mr Watt and Mr Knott
- 26Facts about Heathrow Airport
- 18Things in a Town or City
- 20I live in Paris (present tense)
- 21Ask and answer questions
- 327Our World
- 30Why Are Rainforests Disappearing? 28 The Taxi Driver’s Story – Listening
- 34What are you doing?
- 38Islands So Far Away!
- 32The Weather
- 37More ‘Action’ Verbs
- 35+I’m reading … (present continuous, -ingform)
- 36Questions
- 36Spelling rules with the –ing form
- 439Greetings and Invitations
- 40Hello, how are you?
- 45Petals Around the Rose
- 47Patrick’s Diary
- 48Facts about India
- 42Useful Adjectives
- 41(future with present continuous, -ingform)
- 44My – mine, your – yours (possessive pronouns)
- 549This Is Your Life!
- 50Alfred Nobel
- 52The Life History of Blake Barker
- 54The School Reunion Dinner
- 56Short Biographies
- 51verbs
- 51Ago
- 657High Days and Holidays
- 58Two Christmas Presents
- 60Two Christmas Presents – Listening
- 63Did you ...?
- 64Festivals around the World
- Popular High Days and
- 62Holidays
- 61Did you …? (questions in the past tense)
- 765Money Makes the World Go Round
- 66Money Talks
- 69Money Talks – Listening
- 72Learn them well!
- 73An Important Lesson in Business
- 74The Big Apple
- 70Money
- 71Countable and uncountable nouns
- 72Phrases with uncountable nouns
- 875Shops and Shopping
- 76A Rags to Riches Story
- 77I’ve Got Lots of Recipes
- 82For Sale
- 78At the Supermarket
- How much … have you got?
- 80He’s got a lot of ...
- 81Some, any
- text vocabulary grammar listening – workbook
- 983Read All About It!
- 84The Front Page
- 88What Life Is All About
- 89Here Is the News
- 90A Father of Twins – at 71!
- 86Newspapers
- 87I’ve just seen a good film (present perfect tense)
- 1091Travel
- 92Checking In at a Hotel
- 97Ordering a Meal at a Restaurant
- 98Mrs Richards Has a Complaint
- 100South Africa
- 93Hotel Words
- Useful restaurant
- 95phrases
- 94and short yes and no answers
- 94For – since
- 11101Living Dangerously
- 102Miracle at Niagara
- 103Miracle at Niagara – Listening
- 106Things to Make and Do
- 107James Bond – 007
- 108New Zealand …
- Even More ‘Action’
- 104Verbs
- 105Phrases with make and do
- 12109Health and Fitness
- 110How to Exercise on a Plane
- 113The Examination
- 118Jersey and the Channel Islands
- 112Face and Body
- 114What’s the Matter?
- 116helping verbs
- 117Myself … (reflexive pronouns)
- 13119Crime Doesn’t Pay
- 120The Factory Thief
- 124Famous Detectives …
- 125The Brooklyn Bridge Scam
- 126Wales – Land of Song
- 122Crime Words
- You must … You mustn't…
- 123helping verbs
- 14127Good News, Bad News
- 128Believe it or not?
- 132Like Mother Like Son
- 129Emotions
- Beautiful, beautifully (adjectives,)
- 130adverbs
- 131Who, which, that
- 15133Into the World
- 134The Travels of Marco Polo
- 136Kumar’s CV
- 138The Preposition Poem
- 140The Human Cannonball
- Dangerous, exciting and
- 139glamorous jobs
- 137I often listen … (verb + preposition)
- 137Afraid of… (adjective + preposition)
- 16141The World of Animals
- 142The Story of Greyfriars Bobby
- 147The Ravenmaster
- 148Two Animal Jokes
- 149Edinburgh Castle
- 144The Animal World
- Carry on working! My car's
- 146broken down (phrasal verbs)
- 150Telephone English
- 151Tongue-Twisters
- 154Grammar Guide
- 156Irregular verbs
- 159Alphabetical wordlist
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Avsedd för:
Gymnasium, GrundvuxSpråk:
176Digital produkt
Giltighetstid från aktivering:
36 månLäs mer om serien Connect
Avsedd för:
Gymnasium, GrundvuxSpråk:
AndraDigital produkt
Giltighetstid från aktivering:
12 månLäs mer om serien Connect
Avsedd för:
Gymnasium, GrundvuxSpråk:
AndraDigital produkt
Giltighetstid från aktivering:
12 mån