The ValMO Model
Occupational Therapy for a Healthy Life by Doing
Foreword – ValMO model 9
Preface to the first English edition 11
Introducing the Authors 12
Introduction 14
Literature 18
Part 1
IContext, basic concepts and dimensions
1. Current occupational
therapy – a challenge 21
The dilemma of occupational therapists 24
Occupational therapy – something self-evident 25
Occupational therapy for a healthy life by doing 27
The challenge for occupational therapy 32
Literature 34
2. Why do we need a model describing human occupation? 35
How the ValMO model came about 35
Occupation analysis 36
Categorizing occupations 37
Meaning in occupation 38
The ValMO model 43
Literature 44
3. The occupation and the value triads 45
The occupation triad 45
Occupation and value 48
Literature 59
4. The perspective triad 61
Three time perspectives 61
Macro-perspective 64
Meso-perspective 75
Micro-perspective 77
Interaction between the three time perspectives 81
Literature 84
5. The ValMO model, health and illness 87
Balance in occupation and occupational patterns 87
Value, meaning and health in relation to occupations 91
Literature 95
6. Measuring aspects of the ValMO model 97
Identifying patterns 97
Measuring occupational value 104
Final comments 106
Literature 108
7. Applications of the ValMO model 109
The ValMO model for occupational therapists 109
The ValMO model for performing a self-analysis of occupations 113
The ReDO® method 113
The ValMO model in efforts toward occupational justice and health in society 116
Literature 117
Part 2
IIOccupations, well-being and sustainable development
8. The ValMO model in a global sustainability perspective…| with ethical and existential consequences 121
Sustainable development 123
The surface of everyday existence and the depth of life 124
Meaning and change from an individual perspective 126
A new everyday life 130
People’s occupation as anethical means of expression 131
Literature 134
9. Ecopation – ecoethical occupational awareness 137
Machine-ethical occupations 137
Ecoethical occupations 141
Literature 144
10. Ecopation and the concept of glocalization 145
Occupational values in eco-occupation 147
The perspective triad on the glocal level 154
Literature 160
Summary 163
Occupational therapy and the occupational perspective 165
Index 167
Rikard EhnsiöIllustratör:
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