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Writing, reviewing and publishing scientific papers

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Writing, reviewing and publishing scientific papers

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Studora e-bok 137 kr inkl. moms

Scientific publication is the major route by which research is made available to a worldwide audience. Developing the skills needed to write, review and publish papers is therefore an important part of any research career. In this book we examine what scientific writing entails, the structure of a scientific manuscript and the process of publication. Tips and guidelines show the reader how to develop as a scientific writer. The book is intended for anyone who writes, publishes, or supervises ...

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Scientific publication is the major route by which research is made available to a worldwide audience. Developing the skills needed to write, review and publish papers is therefore an important part of any research career. In this book we examine what scientific writing entails, the structure of a scientific manuscript and the process of publication. Tips and guidelines show the reader how to develop as a scientific writer. The book is intended for anyone who writes, publishes, or supervises scientific work, from undergraduate and postgraduate students to senior researchers.


Preface to the English edition 9

Foreword 11

1. Scientific publication

Scientific literature     15

Good research practice vs. scientific misconduct     18

International author guidelines     20

Original articles     21

Structure – IMRaD     22

Other scientific publications     24

Guidelines and checklists     27

From scientific publication to scientific writing     28

2. Scientific writing

Before you start writing     32

Central message and synopsis     32

Taking care of the writing     35

Processing the text     37

Developing as a scientific writer     38

From scientific writing to the scientific manuscript      39

3. The scientific manuscript

The parts of the manuscript     43

The title and title page     43

Abstract and keywords     46

Introduction     49

Material and Methods     52

Results     61

Discussion     71

References     76

Acknowledgements     78

Other parts at the end of the manuscript     79

From manuscript to publication     80

4. The publication process

Choosing a journal     83

Preparing your manuscript for submission     89

What happens when the manuscript arrives at the journal?     95

When you receive a response from the journal     104

Once the manuscript has been accepted     112

From manuscript to finished publication     116

Index 117


Det här lärarmaterialet är framtaget till boken Writing, reviewing and publishing scientific papers. Materialet är gratis och kan endast beställas av lärare som använder, eller tänker börja använda, boken.












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12 mån

Scientific publication is the major route by which research is made available to a worldwide audience. Developing the skills needed to write, review and publish papers is therefore an important part of any research career. In this book we examine what scientific writing entails, the structure of a scientific manuscript and the process of publication. Tips and guidelines show the reader how to develop as a scientific writer. The book is intended for anyone who writes, publishes, or supervise...

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Scientific publication is the major route by which research is made available to a worldwide audience. Developing the skills needed to write, review and publish papers is therefore an important part of any research career. In this book we examine what scientific writing entails, the structure of a scientific manuscript and the process of publication. Tips and guidelines show the reader how to develop as a scientific writer. The book is intended for anyone who writes, publishes, or supervises scientific work, from undergraduate and postgraduate students to senior researchers.










