Matrix Theory
- 9CHAPTER 1 Matrices – Conventions and Notations
- 1.19Matrices: long and short notations
- 1.211Block matrices
- 1.315Matrices as numbers Addition and subtraction
- 1.416Multiplication by numbers Some special classes of matrices
- 1.518Matrix multiplication
- 1.622Multiplication by elementary matrices
- 1.724Associativity Powers Nilpotent matrices
- 1.827Non-commutativity Left and right inverse
- 1.931Exercises
- 1.1033Hints and answers
- 37CHAPTER 2 Gaussian Elimination and LU -decomposition
- 2.137Echelon matrices Pivot elements Free and basic variables
- 2.239Gaussian elimination LU -decomposition
- 2.344Rank
- 2.448Exercises
- 2.550Hints and answers
- 53CHAPTER 3 Determinants
- 3.153Determinant: notation and recursive definition
- 3.255Determinants: triangular,permutation matrices
- 3.357Linear and alternating properties
- 3.461Gaussian elimination in |A| Abstract definition
- 3.563The determinant of a product Expansion along an arbitrary column
- 3.665Even and odd permutations Complete expansion |AT|
- 3.769Expansion along a row The inverse matrix
- 3.872How to calculate the determinant Vandermonde
- 3.977Exercises
- 3.1080Hints and answers
- 83CHAPTER 4 Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
- 4.183The definition of field
- 4.284The definition of vector space
- 4.385Linear independence Generating sets Dimension
- 4.488Coordinates in different bases The transition matrix
- 4.589The bases for a space and its subspaces
- 4.692Sum and intersection of subspaces Direct sum
- 4.793How to find a basis
- 4.8100Exercises
- 4.9102Hints and answers
- 105CHAPTER 5 Linear Maps
- 5.1105Definition and examples of linear maps
- 5.2106The matrix for a linear map
- 5.3110Matrix in a new basis Similar matrices
- 5.4113Determinant, trace and rank of an operator Image
- 5.5118Kernel
- 5.6122Dimension arguments
- 5.7127Example: some field theory
- 5.8136Exercises
- 5.9138Hints and answers
- 141CHAPTER 6 Spectral Theory
- 6.1141Diagonalization Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
- 6.2148Characteristic polynomial Diagonalization
- 6.3152Diagonalizable matrices
- 6.4158Non-diagonalizable matrices
- 6.5160Exercises
- 6.6162Hints and answers
- 165CHAPTER 7 The Jordan Normal Form
- 7.1165Invariant subspaces
- 7.2169Nilpotent operators
- 7.3175Uniqueness Constructing the Jordan form
- 7.4181Constructing the basis for the normal form
- 7.5193The Jordan normal form
- 7.6197An example of Jordanization
- 7.7207Proving theorems using the Jordan form
- 7.8211Exercises
- 7.9213Hints and answers
- 217CHAPTER 8 The Minimal Polynomial
- 8.1217The Cayley-Hamilton theorem
- 8.2220The minimal polynomial
- 8.3225Jordan decomposition
- 8.4227Exercises
- 8.5229Hints and answers
- 233CHAPTER 9 Functions on Matrices
- 9.1233How to define f (A)
- 9.2239Calculating f (A) using polynomials
- 9.3241Lagrange interpolation
- 9.4245Hermite interpolation
- 9.5249Exercises
- 9.6250Hints and answers
- 253CHAPTER 10 Inequalities and Positive Matrices
- 10.1253Inequalities and their transformations
- 10.2257Some useful inequalities
- 10.3263Inequalities with complex numbers
- 10.4266Positive matrices
- 10.5270Graphs and page ranking
- 10.6273Exercises
- 10.7274Hints and answers
- 275CHAPTER 11 Norms
- 11.1275Compact sets and continuous functions
- 11.2279Norms
- 11.3284Matrix and operator norms
- 11.4290The condition number
- 11.5292The spectral radius
- 11.6295Exercises
- 11.7296Hints and answers
- 299CHAPTER 12 Inner Products and Orthogonality
- 12.1299Hermitian conjugation
- 12.2301Inner products and orthogonal bases
- 12.3306Getting a norm from the inner product
- 12.4308Unitary matrices and QR-factorization
- 12.5314The adjoint operator
- 12.6316Hermitian matrices
- 12.7318Orthogonal projection and outer product
- 12.8321Infinite dimensional vector spaces
- 12.9325Exercises
- 12.10326Hints and answers
- 329CHAPTER 13 Singular Values
- 13.1329Singular values
- 13.2337Schur’s lemma
- 13.3341Normal matrices
- 13.4345Exercises
- 13.5348Hints and answers
- 353CHAPTER 14 Quadratic and Hermitian forms
- 14.1353Quadratic forms and their matrices
- 14.2355Hermitian forms
- 14.3359Diagonalization of Hermitian forms
- 14.4365Congruent matrices
- 14.5368Positive definite matrices
- 14.6375Exercises
- 14.7378Hints and answers
- 381CHAPTER 15 The Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse
- 15.1381Definition of the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
- 15.2385Calculating the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
- 15.3390The least squares method
- 15.4394Exercises
- 15.5395Hints and answers
- 397Bibliography
- 399Index