A Year of Academic Writing
Experiences and Methods for Early Career Researchers

A Year of Academic Writing
Experiences and Methods for Early Career Researchers
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Valt format
Preface to the English edition 9
Introduction 11
A Year of Academic Writing 13
The second book 13
Finish On Time 15
Ventilation file 17
Published texts and prewriting 19
Introductory chapter and the second book as a genre 21
What is the aim of the book? (synopsis part 1) 23
Planning, but when and how? 26
On the importance of a social and intellectual context 28
Co-writing: Part 1 30
The role of writing applications in the research process 33
First things first (synopsis part 2) 36
The basement 37
Model texts 39
What academics can learn from players 41
Back to writing the book 43
Managing review comments 45
Time for a history conference! 47
Co-writing: Part 2 50
Writer’s courage 53
CVs of failures 55
Boundaries and time off 57
Text and style 59
Stopping 61
Writing plan and timing 64
Does reading matter? 65
Skill-related goals 68
Why edited volumes? 69
Mobility 72
Research from scratch 74
What to do when things get busy? 77
Win some, lose some 79
Co-writing: Part 3 81
Digital minimalism 84
Trial lecture in Lund 86
Writing about teaching and learning 88
What academics can learn from Andre Agassi 90
Chapters 6 and 7 92
The 2014 five-year plan revisited 95
The glass ceiling 97
Reflections on almost a year of blogging 99
What academics can learn from poker players 101
What are the benefits of being a parent in academia? 103
The Monday Club 105
Ending things 107
The blog posts never written 109
The list 109
Assessments and being evaluated 111
Less but better 113
Four-week planning 115
Listen, don’t listen 118
From me to us 120
Afterword 123
Thematic index of posts 127
Recommended further reading 131
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