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A Year of Academic Writing

Experiences and Methods for Early Career Researchers

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A Year of Academic Writing

Experiences and Methods for Early Career Researchers

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Early career researchers seeking to pursue an academic career face many challenges. Their existence is characterized by insecure employment conditions, conflicting demands and limited experiences of acting as independent scholars. In addition, many of them are at an age when it is common to start a family. Knowledge of how to feel well and achieve success on your own terms is rare, as few academics give others an insight into their life as an academic and what it feels like. In A Year of Ac...

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Early career researchers seeking to pursue an academic career face many challenges. Their existence is characterized by insecure employment conditions, conflicting demands and limited experiences of acting as independent scholars. In addition, many of them are at an age when it is common to start a family. Knowledge of how to feel well and achieve success on your own terms is rare, as few academics give others an insight into their life as an academic and what it feels like. In A Year of Academic Writing, David Larsson Heidenblad lays bare his own life as an academic. This book started out as a popular blog about academic work and writing. We here get to follow a year of his life as an academic and read about his thoughts on his academic career and what it entails, his reflections on the forms and conditions of writing and his observations on parenting and gender equality. The book is aimed at early career researchers wanting to master their professional role but also at their mentors and others interested in the many aspects of life as an academic.


Preface to the English edition9

Introduction 11


A Year of Academic Writing 13

The second book 13

Finish On Time 15

Ventilation file 17

Published texts and prewriting 19

Introductory chapter and the second book as a genre 21

What is the aim of the book? (synopsis part 1) 23

Planning, but when and how? 26

On the importance of a social and intellectual context 28

Co-writing: Part 1 30

The role of writing applications in the research process 33

First things first (synopsis part 2) 36

The basement 37

Model texts 39

What academics can learn from players 41

Back to writing the book 43

Managing review comments 45

Time for a history conference! 47

Co-writing: Part 2 50

Writer’s courage 53

CVs of failures 55

Boundaries and time off 57

Text and style 59

Stopping 61

Writing plan and timing 64

Does reading matter? 65

Skill-related goals 68

Why edited volumes? 69

Mobility 72

Research from scratch 74

What to do when things get busy? 77

Win some, lose some 79

Co-writing: Part 3 81

Digital minimalism 84

Trial lecture in Lund 86

Writing about teaching and learning 88

What academics can learn from Andre Agassi 90

Chapters 6 and 7 92

The 2014 five-year plan revisited 95

The glass ceiling 97

Reflections on almost a year of blogging 99

What academics can learn from poker players 101

What are the benefits of being a parent in academia? 103

The Monday Club 105

Ending things 107


The blog posts never written 109

The list 109

Assessments and being evaluated  111

Less but better 113

Four-week planning 115

Listen, don’t listen 118

From me to us 120

Afterword 123

Thematic index of posts 127

Recommended further reading  131



Rikard Ehnsiö













Early career researchers seeking to pursue an academic career face many challenges. Their existence is characterized by insecure employment conditions, conflicting demands and limited experiences of acting as independent scholars. In addition, many of them are at an age when it is common to start a family. Knowledge of how to feel well and achieve success on your own terms is rare, as few academics give others an insight into their life as an academic and what it feels like. In A Year of Ac...

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Early career researchers seeking to pursue an academic career face many challenges. Their existence is characterized by insecure employment conditions, conflicting demands and limited experiences of acting as independent scholars. In addition, many of them are at an age when it is common to start a family. Knowledge of how to feel well and achieve success on your own terms is rare, as few academics give others an insight into their life as an academic and what it feels like. In A Year of Academic Writing, David Larsson Heidenblad lays bare his own life as an academic. This book started out as a popular blog about academic work and writing. We here get to follow a year of his life as an academic and read about his thoughts on his academic career and what it entails, his reflections on the forms and conditions of writing and his observations on parenting and gender equality. The book is aimed at early career researchers wanting to master their professional role but also at their mentors and others interested in the many aspects of life as an academic.



Rikard Ehnsiö









