Research Methodology
For Engineers and Other Problem-Solvers

Research Methodology
For Engineers and Other Problem-Solvers
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Valt format
Preface 13
1. Engineers and science 15
The book and its outline 15
An expanded toolbox 16
Contents and outline 17
What is an engineer? 19
Science, research and innovation 24
Needs-based research 26
Utility and innovation 28
Engineering science 29
Technology 30
Technology and science 32
Classifying the field of engineering science 33
If you want to learn more 34
2. The methodological landscape 35
Map over the methodological landscape 36
Quantiative and qualitative in research 37
Techniques for collecting and analyzing data, research method and philosophy of science 39
Data and information in inquiring systems 40
Science and pseudoscience 42
Views of science 43
Ontology 44
Epistemology 45
Scientific ideals 45
Ethical guidelines 53
Philosophy of science approaches 54
Positivism 54
Pragmatism 54
Critical realism 56
Interpretivism 57
If you want to learn more 57
3. The path from problem to solution 59
The research process 59
Problem-solving 61
Terminology, concepts and definitions 63
How may a scientific study contribute? 64
Academic contribution 64
Contribution to practical utility and usefulness 70
From problem area to research question 71
The way we ask … 73
… determines the answers we receive 73
Good problem formulations 74
Summary 76
Literature review 77
Structured literature review, step by step 78
The different functions of a literature review 83
Planning the study 84
Study design and method 84
Data collection, analysis and presentation of results 85
Do not get lost along the way 86
A logical flow 86
If you want to learn more 88
4. Research methods and designs 89
Experiments 89
Independent and dependent variables 91
Experimental setting 93
Good laboratory practices 95
Experimental study designs 95
Factorial designs 98
Systematic parameter variation 102
Modeling and simulation 103
The modeling process – creating a (mathematical) model 105
Verifying and validating models 106
Carrying out research with the support of mathematical modeling and simulation 108
Design research 109
Design research methodology (DRM) 110
DRM in four steps 111
Types of DRM studies 112
Graphical representations as support in DRM 113
Survey 118
Descriptive survey study 119
Explanatory survey study 120
Execution 123
Case study 124
Case and unit of analysis 126
Design 126
Execution 128
Action research 131
Execution 131
The role of the researcher 132
Interactive research 133
Research systems and practitioner systems 133
Division of labor between researchers and practitioners 135
Execution 135
Choosing research method 138
If you want to learn more 139
5. Techniques for data collection 141
Choosing technique for data collection 141
Sample 145
Measurements 148
To keep in mind during measurements 151
Advantages and drawbacks of measurements 156
Observations 156
To keep in mind during observations 157
Advantages and drawbacks of observations 164
Interviews 164
Interview guide – different types of questions 165
To keep in mind during interviews 167
Advantages and drawbacks of interviews 170
Questionnaires 171
Formulating questions 171
Response alternatives 175
To keep in mind during questionnaires 176
Advantages and drawbacks of using questionnaires 178
Workshops 179
What is a workshop? 179
Different types of workshops 180
To keep in mind when carrying out workshops 181
How a workshop may serve as a technique for data collection 183
Advantages and drawbacks of carrying out workshops 183
Document studies 184
Different types of documents 185
To keep in mind when engaging in document studies 185
Advantages and drawbacks of engaging in document studies 187
If you want to learn more 187
6. Analyzing data 189
From collecting to processing and analyzing data 190
Processing and analyzing quantitative data 190
Type of variable and scale 191
Normal distribution 192
Descriptive statistics 194
Tables and graphical forms of presentation 195
Measure of central tendency 200
Measure of dispersion 201
Measure of correlation 202
Statistical inference 204
Hypothesis testing 205
Hypothesis testing – step by step 206
Parametric tests for hypothesis testing 209
Non-parametric tests for hypothesis testing 215
Processing and analyzing qualitative data 219
Thematic analysis 223
Content analysis 225
Qualitative data analysis 227
Presenting the results 232
If you want to learn more 234
7. Scientific quality criteria 235
Quality in scientific studies 235
Relationship between validity and reliability 236
Systematic and random errors 237
Alternative quality criteria 238
Validity 239
Internal validity 239
Content, construct and criterion validity 240
External validity 241
How to strengthen validity? 243
Reliability 244
Possible actions for ensuring and strengthening validity and reliability 246
If you want to learn more 247
8. Ethical considerations and guidelines 249
Professional ethics 250
Engineering ethics 251
Research ethics 254
Ethics in theory 255
Consequence ethics 255
Duty ethics 256
Engineering ethics in practice 258
Research ethics in practice 261
The CUDOS norms 261
Scientific misconduct 262
Research involving people 266
Ethical review 266
Protecting personal data 267
Confidentiality or anonymity 268
Informed consent 269
Research ethics checklist 271
Engineering ethics vs. research ethics 273
Ethics in degree projects 275
If you want to learn more 279
9. Communicating and reviewing results 281
Scientific communication 282
Historical development 282
The system of scientific communication 284
How is scientific communication carried out? 284
Purpose and audience 285
Bibliometrics 286
Language and rules for writing academic texts 288
Numbers in the text 291
The importance of a well-written text 291
Writing process 292
From idea to finished text 293
Digital tools supporting the writing process 294
Structure of an academic text 295
Main text according to IMRaD 299
Introduction 299
Methods 301
Results 302
Discussion 303
Reference management 304
Reference systems 306
Software supporting reference management 309
Illustrating by means of tables and figures 310
Tables 311
Figures 311
Reviewing academic texts 313
Checklist for reviewers 313
Peer review of scientific articles 319
Verbal presentation and defending academic works 321
Presentation 322
Public examination and oral defense 323
Which types of texts does a professional engineer write? 324
Advice and strategies in relation to scientific writing 325
Let writing become part of your everyday life 326
Create a structure for the entire text – planning the text 327
Enable a quick start 329
Progression and planning your time 330
Read in order to write 330
Love your critics 331
If you want to learn more 331
Appendix 333
References 337
Index 349
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Rikard EhnsiöSpråk: