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Financial Accounting

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Financial Accounting

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Financial accounting is a process that goes from the company’s transactions, through the accounting system and production of financial statements, to the use and analysis of the information by external parties. The analysis of financial statements is the basis for many important decisions. This book explains the fundamental role of financial accounting in the economy. The book covers both technical and conceptual aspects of financial accounting. The double-entry accounting system forms the t...

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Financial accounting is a process that goes from the company’s transactions, through the accounting system and production of financial statements, to the use and analysis of the information by external parties. The analysis of financial statements is the basis for many important decisions. This book explains the fundamental role of financial accounting in the economy. The book covers both technical and conceptual aspects of financial accounting. The double-entry accounting system forms the technical base of financial accounting. There are also chapters that explain how to prepare a cash flow statement and consolidated financial statements. Learning how to analyze financial statements is supported by hands-on calculation of important ratios. The book has a strong conceptual focus, emphasizing that an understanding of concepts is necessary for a full understanding of financial accounting. It starts with a discussion of the functions of financial accounting, and the reason it exists. There is a substantial focus both on how different financial statements are linked and the conceptual meaning of the items in those statements. Accounting principles are discussed. Finally, the conceptual meaning of different ratios is discussed from a financial statement user perspective.


Preface 5

Part 1 Basic issues in accounting 7

Why accounting?9

1.1 Accounting in organizations 9

1.2 Accounting in everyday life10

1.3 The organization’s external environment 12

1.4 Key stakeholders15

1.5 Why you should study accounting19

What is accounting?21

2.1 A definition of accounting 21

2.2 The accounting process 23

2.3 Actors in the accounting system28

2.4 The overall structure of the book 33

What does the end product of accounting look like?35

3.1 Financial statements 35

3.2 Cash flow statement36

3.3 Income statement38

3.4 Balance sheet40

3.5 Basic relationships in accounting 43

The basics of recording transactions and making adjusting and closing entries49

4.1 Double-entry accounting system 51

4.2  Key concepts of accounting and their link to different account types 55

4.3  Logics related to recording transactions and closing entries – Vent Consulting 57

Part 2 Financial reporting 81

Balance sheet83

5.1  The link between balance sheet and income statement84

5.2 Definitions and measurement86

5.3 Non-current assets92

5.4 Current assets 101

5.5 Liabilities 105

5.6 Provisions106

5.7 Equity108

Income statement113

6.1 Definitions114

6.2 Revenues116

6.3 Expenses120

6.4 Effects of changes in value 130

6.5  The format and earnings measures in the income statement134

Cash flow statement139

7.1 From earnings to cash flow140

7.2 Why prepare a cash flow statement? 141

7.3 The structure of a cash flow statement 143

7.4 Preparing a cash flow statement 145


8.1 Where and how disclosures are provided170

8.2 The purpose of disclosures172

8.3 Common mandatory disclosures176

Sustainability reporting185

9.1 Issues 185

9.2 History 187

9.3 Regulation188

9.4 Sustainability reporting in practice 192

9.5 Quality and effects of reporting196

10 Consolidated financial statements203

10.1 What is a group?204

10.2 What are consolidated financial statements? 205

10.3 The purpose of consolidated financial statements206

10.4  Method for preparing consolidated financial statements210

Part 3 Regulation and principles 221

11 Regulation of accounting223

11.1 Why we need accounting rules224

11.2 Government or private regulation226

11.3 International accounting regulation229

11.4 Principle- or rules-based accounting 231

12 Accounting principles235

12.1 Principles and their significance236

12.2 Basic assumptions 237

12.3 Principles for measurement and accruals 239

12.4 Objectives of accounting244

Part 4 Financial statement analysis 253

13 Financial statement users255

13.1 Reasons for financial statement analysis256

13.2 Shareholders258

13.3 Creditors262

13.4 Tax authorities263

13.5 Other stakeholders264

14 Financial ratios269

14.1 General discussion on financial ratios 270

14.2 Profitability274

14.3 Efficiency284

14.4 Financial strength 287

14.5 Cash-flow based ratios 290



Rikard Ehnsiö













Financial accounting is a process that goes from the company’s transactions, through the accounting system and production of financial statements, to the use and analysis of the information by external parties. The analysis of financial statements is the basis for many important decisions. This book explains the fundamental role of financial accounting in the economy. The book covers both technical and conceptual aspects of financial accounting. The double-entry accounting system forms the t...

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Financial accounting is a process that goes from the company’s transactions, through the accounting system and production of financial statements, to the use and analysis of the information by external parties. The analysis of financial statements is the basis for many important decisions. This book explains the fundamental role of financial accounting in the economy. The book covers both technical and conceptual aspects of financial accounting. The double-entry accounting system forms the technical base of financial accounting. There are also chapters that explain how to prepare a cash flow statement and consolidated financial statements. Learning how to analyze financial statements is supported by hands-on calculation of important ratios. The book has a strong conceptual focus, emphasizing that an understanding of concepts is necessary for a full understanding of financial accounting. It starts with a discussion of the functions of financial accounting, and the reason it exists. There is a substantial focus both on how different financial statements are linked and the conceptual meaning of the items in those statements. Accounting principles are discussed. Finally, the conceptual meaning of different ratios is discussed from a financial statement user perspective.



Rikard Ehnsiö









