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Priserna visas inklusive moms och du betalar med Klarna

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The Profitability, Financing, and Growth of the Firm

Goals, Relationships, and Measurement Methods

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The Profitability, Financing, and Growth of the Firm

Goals, Relationships, and Measurement Methods

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Bok 363 kr inkl. moms
Studora e-bok 225 kr inkl. moms

How profitable does a company have to be to ensure its long-term survival? How is a company’s equity ratio determined? What are the relationships between return on capital employed, growth and changes in the equity ratio? These are some of the questions discussed in this book, which has been a highly esteemed textbook at universities and colleges, as well as in leadership training, for over 30 years. The authors present an accounting-based model for an integrated analysis of a company’s profi...

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How profitable does a company have to be to ensure its long-term survival? How is a company’s equity ratio determined? What are the relationships between return on capital employed, growth and changes in the equity ratio? These are some of the questions discussed in this book, which has been a highly esteemed textbook at universities and colleges, as well as in leadership training, for over 30 years. The authors present an accounting-based model for an integrated analysis of a company’s profitability, financing and growth. In this third edition, the examples have been updated and a number of new sections have been added, but above all the form and language have been revised to make the book more accessible. The book is intended primarily to be used on courses in accounting and finance. Many people who work in business and finance will also find it offers invaluable help in their professional role. There is also a website which contains practical exercises, illustrations and Excel models: studentlitteratur.se/6887. ”This classic book on financial statement analysis, first published in 1983, is in our mind the best Swedish text book in business administration ever. It is easy to be impressed by how much knowledge the authors have managed to include […]. Complicated relationships are explained in a pedagogical way.” InvestingByTheBooks, May 26, 2015
















How profitable does a company have to be to ensure its long-term survival? How is a company’s equity ratio determined? What are the relationships between return on capital employed, growth and changes in the equity ratio? These are some of the questions discussed in this book, which has been a highly esteemed textbook at universities and colleges, as well as in leadership training, for over 30 years. The authors present an accounting-based model for an integrated analysis of a company’s profi...

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How profitable does a company have to be to ensure its long-term survival? How is a company’s equity ratio determined? What are the relationships between return on capital employed, growth and changes in the equity ratio? These are some of the questions discussed in this book, which has been a highly esteemed textbook at universities and colleges, as well as in leadership training, for over 30 years. The authors present an accounting-based model for an integrated analysis of a company’s profitability, financing and growth. In this third edition, the examples have been updated and a number of new sections have been added, but above all the form and language have been revised to make the book more accessible. The book is intended primarily to be used on courses in accounting and finance. Many people who work in business and finance will also find it offers invaluable help in their professional role. There is also a website which contains practical exercises, illustrations and Excel models: studentlitteratur.se/6887. ”This classic book on financial statement analysis, first published in 1983, is in our mind the best Swedish text book in business administration ever. It is easy to be impressed by how much knowledge the authors have managed to include […]. Complicated relationships are explained in a pedagogical way.”
InvestingTheBooks, May 26, 2015












